Older Adults - Pre-Diabetes
- Prediabetes: Being Active when You have (ACSM)
- Prediabetes: Being Active when You have - Spanish (ACSM)
A Change for Life Video (prediabetes) (CDC-TV)
Blood Sugar & Fears Video (CDC)
Diabetes Food Hub Recipes (ADA)
Diabetes Prevention Program Instructions
Eat Well Away from Home to Prevent T2 - Module 15 (CDC National DPP)
Eat Well to Prevent T2 - Module 4 (CDC National DPP)
Get Active to Prevent T2 - Module 2 (CDC National DPP)
Healthy Eating for People with Pre-Diabetes (Arabic)
Healthy Eating for People with Pre-Diabetes (Chinese)
Healthy Eating for People with Pre-Diabetes (Korean)
Healthy Eating for People with Pre-Diabetes (Russian)
Healthy Eating for People with Pre-Diabetes (Spanish)
Metabolic Fitness Program (Flyer)
Prediabetes and Preventing Type 2 Diabetes
Shop and Cook to Prevent T2 - Module 8 (CDC National DPP)
Stay Active to Prevent T2 - Module 19 (CDC National DPP)
Stay Motivated to Prevent T2 - Module 16 (CDC National DPP)
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