Allergic Reaction to Contrast During Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: Instructions After (Korean)
Allergic Reaction to Contrast During Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan: Instructions After (Korean)
(ARM) Anorectal Manometry (Korean)
Asthma - Korean (Health Information Translations)
Asthma Action Plan for Patients 0-4 Years (Korean)
Asthma Action Plan for Patients 12 Years and Older (Korean)
Asthma Action Plan for Patients 5-11 Years (Korean)
Birth Center FAQ (Korean)
Birth Partnership Document (Korean)
Breast Biopsy Results (Korean)
Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation Surgery (Implants) (Korean)
Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery (Korean)
Bronchoscopy: Preparing for a Bronchoscopy (Korean)
Car Safety During Pregnancy (Korean)
Choosing Not to Be Tested for COVID-19 at the Hospital for Delivery (For Patients in the Birth Center) (Korean)
Choosing Your Baby’s Doctor: The Michigan Plan for Appropriate and Tailored Healthcare in Pregnancy (MiPATH) (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions: 2-Day Miralax/Gatorade (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions: 4 Liter PEG/Electrolyte-Generic, NuLytely, GoLytely,and CoLyte (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions: 6 liter Two-Day PEG/Electrolyte-Generic, NuLytely, GoLytely and CoLyte (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions: 8 Liter PEG/Electrolyte-Generic, NuLytely, GoLytely,and CoLyte (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions MiraLAX®/Gatorade® 1-Day Prep (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions: MoviPrep (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions: OsmoPrep (Korean)
Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions: SUPREP (Korean)
Computer Tomography (CT or CAT) Preparation Instructions (Korean)
Contrast Allergy Preparation for Radiology Studies (CT, MRI, Interventional Radiology) (Korean)
COVID-19 Testing at the Hospital For Delivery (For Patients in the Birth Center) (Korean)
Covid-19 Vaccine (Moderna) To Prevent Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) In Individuals 18 Years Of Age And Older - Korean (FDA EUA)
COVID-19: What to Expect When You Have a Procedure (Medical Procedures Unit) (Korean)
Discharge Instructions after Jaw Surgery (Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) (Korean)
Education & Social Support Resources: The Michigan Plan for Appropriate and Tailored Healthcare in Pregnancy (MiPATH) (Korean)
Electrogastrogram (Korean)
Esophageal Manometry (Korean)
Exercise Instructions: Hypertension - Korean (High Blood Pressure)
Feeding Plan for Infants Born Before 38 Weeks or Small for Gestational Age (Below 10th Percentile) (Korean)
Feeding Record (Korean)
Feeding the Baby with a Difficult Latch (Korean)
Fish: How to Eat It Safely (during pregnancy) (Korean)
Getting Started Breastfeeding Your Baby - Korean (Health Information Translations)
GI Motility Study
Healthcare Equity Consult Service (HECS) (Korean)
Helpful Hints for Fluid Control (general) - Multiple Languages
How to Care for Yourself After Groin Access Heart Catheterization (Korean)
How to Care for Yourself after Radial Access Heart Catheterization (Korean)
How to Prepare Baby Formula (with amounts you can fill in) (Korean)
How to Quit Using Tobacco (Korean)
Human Milk Storage Guidelines (Korean)
Hydrogen Breath Test- Korean
Influenza Vaccine, (Inactivated or Recombinant) : VIS statement (MDHHS) - Multiple Languages
Influenza Vaccine, Live, Intranasal: VIS statement (MDHHS) - Multiple Languages
Instructions to Prepare for Your Cesarean Birth (Korean)
Interpreter Services Patient Brochure (Korean)
Is My Video Visit Covered by Insurance? (Korean)
Language Interpretation Chart (Korean)
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella MMR - Korean (MDHHS)
Medications Safe for Use During Pregnancy (Korean)
Milestone Moments: Learn the Signs. Act Early - Korean (CDC)
MyUofMHealth Patient Portal: Frequently Asked Questions (Korean)
View source document for this translation.
Notice of Privacy Practices - Korean
Nutrition Facts Label - Korean
Patient Rights and Responsibilities - Korean
Pelvic Ultrasound: What to Expect (Korean)
Pregnancy Care Clinicians: The Michigan Plan for Appropriate and Tailored Healthcare in Pregnancy (MiPATH) (Korean)
Prenatal Care Devices: The Michigan Plan for Appropriate and Tailored Healthcare in Pregnancy (MiPATH) (Korean)
Safety (at home) for People with Dementia (Korean)
Save Your Tooth Poster - Korean (IADT)
Stroke (translated) - Korean (Health Information Translations)
Taking Care of a Nosebleed: For People Taking Blood Thinners (Korean)
Ultrasound Examination of the Prostate: What to Expect (Korean)
Ultrasound Examination of the Scrotum: What to Expect (Korean)
Upper Endoscopy (EGD) Prep for Gastroparesis and Achalasia (Korean)
Upper Endoscopy Prep Instructions (EGD) (Korean)
Ventricular Assist Device: Who is On Your Care Team (Korean)
What is the Healthcare Equity Consult Service (HECS)? Flyer (Korean)
What You Need to Know When You Are Prescribed an Antibiotic (Korean)